
TradeStation Color Palette

As with all the other colors, I don't have them memorized, but I like to use colors to highlight and distinguish things from each other. For instance, I use blue and green for MACD with red for the histogram. With my SunnyBands I always use purple for the longer average and gold for the shorter average.

If you know the RGB values you can enter them into TS like this: RGB(000,000,000). And of course, I have a solution for that. I have a function called sjh_f_Colors that I use to specify my favorite colors in indicators. 

EMail me and I'll send you the code for free for MultiCharts or TradeStation. 

Color Name  Sample   Red Green  Blue  Nbr  Hex  Decimal 
 AliceBlue  240 248 255 36 F0F8FF 15792383
 AntiqueWhite 250 235 215 37 FAEBD7 16444375
 Aqua 000 255 255 38 00FFFF 65535
 Aquamarine 127 255 212 39 7FFFD4 8388564
 Azure 000 127 255 40 007FFF 32767
 Beige 245 245 220 41 F5F5DC 16119260
 Bisque 255 228 196 42 FFE4C4 16770244
 Black 000 000 000 35 000000 0
 BlanchedAlmond 255 235 205 36 FFEBCD 16772045
 Blue 000 000 255 2, 44 0000FF 255
 BlueViolet 138 043 226 45 8A2BE2 9055202
 Brown 165 042 042 46 A52A2A 10824234
 Burlywood 222 184 135 47 DEB887 14596231
 CadetBlue 095 158 160 41 5F9EA0 6266528
 Chartreuse 127 255 000 42 7FFF00 8388352
 Chocolate 210 105 030 43 D2691E 13789470
 Coral 255 127 080 44 FF7F50 16744272
 CornflowerBlue 100 149 237 45 6495ED 6591981
 Cornsilk 255 248 220 46 FFF8DC 16775388
 Crimson 220 20 60 47 DC143C 14423100
 Cyan 000 255 255 3 00FFFF 65535
 DarkBlue 000 000 128 9 000080 128
 DarkBrown 101 067 033 14 654321 6636321
 DarkCyan 000 128 128 10 008080 32896
 DarkGoldenrod 184 134 011 51 B8860B 12092939
 DarkGray 128 128 128 15 808080 8421504
 DarkGreen 000 128 000 11 008000 32768
 DarkKhaki 189 183 107 54 BDB76B 12433259
 DarkMagenta 128 000 128 12 800080 8388736
 DarkOliveGreen 085 107 047 56 556B2F 5597999
 DarkOrange 255 140 000 57 FF8C00 16747520
 DarkOrchid 153 050 204 58 9932CC 10040012
 DarkRed 128 000 000 13 800000 8388608
 DarkSalmon 233 150 122 60 E9967A 15308410
 DarkSeaGreen 143 188 143 61 8FBC8F 9419919
 DarkSlateBlue 072 061 139 62 483D8B 4734347
 DarkSlateGray 047 079 079 63 2F4F4F 3100495
 DarkTurquoise 000 206 209 64 00CED1 52945
 DarkViolet 148 000 211 65 9400D3 9699539
 DeepPink 255 020 147 66 FF1493 16716947
 DeepSkyBlue 000 191 255 67 00BFFF 49151
 DimGray 105 105 105 68 696969 6908265
 DodgerBlue 030 144 255 69 1E90FF 2003199
 FireBrick 178 034 034 70 B22222 11674146
 FloralWhite 255 250 240 71 FFFAF0 16775920
 ForestGreen 034 139 034 72 228B22 2263842
 Fuchia 255 000 255 73 FF00FF 16711935
 Gainsboro 220 220 220 74 DCDCDC 14474460
 GhostWhite 255 250 250 75 FFFAFA 16775930
 Gold 255 215 000 76 FFD700 16766720
 Goldenrod 218 165 032 77 DAA520 14329120
 Gray 128 128 128 78 808080 8421504
 Green 000 128 000 79 008000 32768
 GreenYellow 173 255 047 80 ADFF2F 11403055
 Honeydew 240 255 240 81 F0FFF0 15794160
 HotPink 255 105 180 82 FF69B4 16738740
 IndianRed 205 092 092 83 CD5C5C 13458524
 Indigo 075 000 130 84 4B0082 4915330
 Ivory 255 255 240 85 FFFFF0 16777200
 Khaki 240 230 140 86 F0E68C 15787660
 Lavender 230 230 250 87 E6E6FA 15132410
 LavenderBlush 255 240 245 88 FFF0F5 16773365
 LawnGreen 124 252 000 89 7CFC00 8190976
 LemonChiffon 255 250 205 90 FFFACD 16775885
 LightBlue  173 216 230 91 ADD8E6 11393254
 LightCoral 240 128 128 92 F08080 8421616
 LightCyan 224 255 255 93 E0FFFF 14745599
 LightGoldenrodYellow 250 250 210 94 FAFAD2 16448210
 LightGray 192 192 192 16, 95 C0C0C0 12632256
 LightGreen 144 238 144 96 90EE90 9498256
 LightPink 255 182 193 97 FFB6C1 16758465
 LightSalmon 255 160 122 98 FFA07A 16752762
 LightSeaGreen 032 178 170 99 20B2AA 2142890
 LightSkyBlue 135 206 250 100 87CEFA 8900346
 LightSlateGray 119 136 153 101 778899 7833753
 LightSteelBlue 176 196 222 102 B0C4DE 11584734
 LightYellow 255 255 224 103 FFFFE0 16777184
 Lime 000 255 000 104 00FF00 65280
 LimeGreen 050 205 050 105 32CD32 3329330
 Linen 250 240 230 106 FAF0E6 16445670
 Magenta 255 000 255 5,107 FF00FF 16711935
 Maroon 128 000 000 108 800000 8388608
 MediumAquamarine 102 205 170 109 66CDAA 6737322
 MediumBlue 000 000 205 110 0000CD 205
 MediumOrchid 186 085 211 111 BA55D3 12211667
 MediumPurple 147 112 219 112 9370DB 9662683
 MediumSeaGreen 060 179 113 113 3CB371 3978097
 MediumSlateBlue 123 104 238 114 7B68EE 8087790
 MediumSpringGreen 000 250 154 115 00FA9A 64154
 MediumTurquoise 072 209 204 116 48D1CC 4772300
 MediumVioletRed 199 021 113 117 C71571 13047153
 MidnightBlue 025 025 112 118 191970 1644912
 MintCream 245 255 250 119 F5FFFA 16121850
 MistyRose 255 228 225 120 FFE4E1 16770273
 Moccasin 255 228 181 121 FFE4B5 16770229
 NavajoWhite 255 222 173 122 FFDEAD 16768685
 Navy 000 000 128 123 000080 128
 OldLace 253 245 230 124 FDF5E6 16643558
 Olive 128 128 000 125 808000 8421376
 OliveDrab 107 142 035 126 6B8E23 7048739
 Orange 255 165 000 127 FFA500 16753920
 OrangeRed 255 069 000 128 FF4500 16729344
 Orchid 218 112 214 129 DA70D6 14315734
 PaleGoldenrod 238 232 170 130 EEE8AA 15657130
 PaleGreen 152 251 152 131 98FB98 10025880
 PaleTurquoise 175 238 238 132 AFEEEE 11529966
 PaleVioletRed 219 112 147 133 DB7093 14381203
 PapayaWhip 255 239 213 134 FFEFD5 16773077
 PeachPuff 255 218 185 135 FFDAB9 16767673
 Peru 205 133 063 136 CD853F 13468991
 Pink 255 192 203 137 FFC0CB 16761035
 Plum 221 160 221 138 DDA0DD 14524637
 PowderBlue 176 224 230 139 B0E0E6 11591910
 Purple 128 000 128 140 800080 8388736
 Red 255 000 000 6,141 FF0000 16711680
 RosyBrown 188 143 143 142 BC8F8F 12357519
 RoyalBlue 065 105 225 143 4169E1 4286945
 SaddleBrown 139 069 019 144 8B4513 9127187
 Salmon 250 128 114 145 FA8072 16416882
 SandyBrown 244 164 096 146 F4A460 16032864
 SeaGreen 046 139 087 147 2E8B57 3050327
 Seashell 255 245 238 148 FFF5EE 16774638
 Sienna 160 082 045 149 A0522D 10506797
 Silver 192 192 192 150 C0C0C0 12632256
 SkyBlue 135 206 235 151 87CEEB 8900331
 SlateBlue 106 090 205 152 6A5ACD 6970061
 SlateGray 112 128 144 153 708090 7372944
 Snow 255 250 250 154 FFFAFA 16775930
 SpringGreen 000 255 127 155 00FF7F 65407
 SteelBlue 070 130 180 156 4682B4 4620980
 Tan 210 180 140 157 D2B48C 13808780
 Teal 000 128 128 158 008080 32896
 Thistle 216 191 216 159 D8BFD8 14204888
 Tomato 255 099 071 160 FF6347 16737095
 Turquoise 064 224 208 161 40E0D0 4251856
 Violet 238 130 238 162 EE82EE 15631086 
 Wheat 245 222 179 163 F5DEB3 16113331
 White 255 255 255 8,164 FFFFFF 16777215
 WhiteSmoke 245 245 245 165 F5F5F5 16119285
 Yellow 255 255 000 7, 166 FFFF00 16776960
 YellowGreen 154 205 050 167 9ACD32 10145074
consulting packages 

Consulting Packages

Sunny has been teaching others to trade almost as long as she has been trading. Helping struggling novices over the hurdles is a passion of hers. Sunny has won awards for her teaching and consulting, being #1 in several categories. Sunny can teach you how to use TradeStation & MultiCharts and EasyLanguage and PowerLanguage, TC2000, VantagePoint, NinjaTrader, Genesis Navigator, and MetaStock so you don't spend months struggling on your own. If you have a concept you want programmed, she can do it for you or teach you how to do it yourself. Click Here.

consulting packages 

Strategies,  Indicators & Custom Programming

We provide a wide range of software programmed by Sunny for her own trading. We are not a churn and burn shop that puts out lots of indicators for sale, just to have products to sell. 

Each of these unique products is available to help others in their quest for profits. And, they are used by Sunny in her own daily trading. The software includes indicators that make trading smooth and easy, and strategies that can even be automated to provide hands-off trading. Click here for a full list, descriptions, charts and prices.

consulting packages 

Consulting Packages

Sunny has been teaching others to trade almost as long as she has been trading. Helping struggling novices over the hurdles is a passion of hers. Sunny has won awards for her teaching and consulting, being #1 in several categories. Sunny can teach you how to use TradeStation & MultiCharts and EasyLanguage and PowerLanguage, TC2000, VantagePoint, NinjaTrader, Genesis Navigator, and MetaStock so you don't spend months struggling on your own. If you have a concept you want programmed, she can do it for you or teach you how to do it yourself. Click Here.

consulting packages 

Strategies,  Indicators & Custom Programming

We provide a wide range of software programmed by Sunny for her own trading. We are not a churn and burn shop that puts out lots of indicators for sale, just to have products to sell. 

Each of these unique products is available to help others in their quest for profits. And, they are used by Sunny in her own daily trading. The software includes indicators that make trading smooth and easy, and strategies that can even be automated to provide hands-off trading. Click here for a full list, descriptions, charts and prices.

Trade Along with Sunny

NOW AVAILABLE: Live Trading with Sunny EVERY MORNING.   (Trade Along with Sunny - TAWS) Want to see and hear how Sunny trades with SunnyBands?  Listen to her reasoning and watch as she places trades. Here's your chance. Subscribe Here.

PERFORMANCE 2024 Year-End:


Quips & Quotes

"Hi Sunny, wanted to share with you my profits for the day and say thank you! $19,412.50." -S. S., Mission Viejo, CA

"I wanted to let you know how helpful your daily trading room sessions have been. It is refreshing to see someone trade live and answer any questions that we have. It is so much better than a service that just wants to sell you something and send you on your way. This is really speeding up my learning and I look forward to trading along with you. Thanks for all you are doing to help people learn the art of trading." - Rick N. 

"I had the fortune of meeting Sunny Harris and her excellent trade software SunnyBands. From the beginning, she gave me all her support, even though I didn't have any experience with day trade and English is not my first language she is always available for any questions. I tested SunnyBands free trial and the results were amazing $3.5K in the first week, I asked for another free trial and she was able to help me, I did it again, and after these records, I decided to buy the license for Sunny Bands. Thank Sunny for your unconditional support and your excellent software." -Juan R. 

"I have studied swing and day trading for 10 years primarily with Gann methodology but I might be able to say I have studied it all. I lead a monk's life studying 12 hrs a day. I have found SunnyBands correlate to the high work of mathematics in price and one tool I treasure now for my chart analysis and trading. The first day I loaded SunnyBands I made $275 with one contract in about a minute; I thought to myself how can this small monthly fee not pay for itself? The opportunity to trade with such an experienced trader as Sunny is a real gift; the experience you will get in a year will be priceless. Doing this each trading day with Sunny will train your subconscious mind to become a consistent winner in the market. If you are thinking with a poverty mindset you will have a long hard road; don't do that. This is really awesome to be able to trade with each day and so appreciative of you doing this. To live trade as a mentor like you do is very hard and much respect and appreciation for you doing this Sunny!" - Arthur M.

"Well, I just want to say the I LOVE them !!!! ( your bands )....I've torn apart Bollinger Bands, Keltner etc, etc... and NOTHING comes CLOSE to what YOU have created.... :-) I've talked to CMT's who've said "oh yeah.... they're just Bollies".....and I almost spit out my coffee! I've watched your videos where you are walking a new customer through their use... and I "got it all" ( understood )... the "turns" are RIGHT THERE!.... Bollies are too general....and Keltner which Rashke says she likes....are only a hair better than Bollies.... YOURS blows both of them away.....of course YOU already know that." - Marius V.


The Podcasts of John Bolllinger, Steve Nison, Gene Inger, Hima Reddy, Brad Matheny, William Eng, Louis Navellier, Cynthia Kase, Howard Getson, Jake Bernstein, Arch Crawford, Henry Weingarten, Robert Pardo, Sherman & Tom McClellan, Stan Ehrlich, Steven Primo, Carolyn Boroden, Markus Heitkoetter, Dan Passarelli, Ted Hearne, Larry Pesavento, Norm Winski, Greg Morris, Larry Williams, Linda Bradford Raschke, Anka Metcalf and Robert Colby are now posted. Enjoy these great interviews. And after that whom would you like to see next?

Sunny's Indicators

You've had plenty of opportunites to watch how Sunny trades. There's the Live Trading Room, lots of Appearances, YouTube videos and Live Demos. If you have not yet been introduced to SunnyBands and how Sunny uses them, sign up here to get the Replay of the event.  


Several features of Sunny Side of the Street are missing from previous issues. Natural Numbers, Scan of Stocks, DMA_H RS, PHW Scan, and more. What would you like to see me bring back? Comments.

HAPPY HALF HOUR! We will have the next HHH on Saturday January 4th at 1:15pm PT.Sam Tennis and I will be hosting the Next Free Networking Event for all Traders new and old to join in the discussion and "get to know each other" event. It's a great place to make new friends. Sign Up Here. This Free meeting of like minds will be held once a month, on the 4th of each month. We all have a great time and share liberally on the 4th of evey month. It's a lot of fun! Don't miss it next time. Click HERE to join us. You must be registered to get the invitation and link.

Free Live Demo Replay available Here.

If you would like to continue receiving this weekly newsletter every week, please SUBSCRIBE. It helps the cause.

FREE 7-Day Trial of Sunny's Most Powerful Indicators. Click Here. You have 7 (calendar) days to use it' full functionality and learn! I can only take 20 trials per month and all start on a Monday. Get your request in early.

EasyLanguage Forum Want to learn EasyLanguage (EZL) the EASY way? Here is the REPLAY (with video and slides). 5 1-hr lessons will take you through all the steps with Sunny Harris and Sam Tennis.

FREE 7-day Trial of Sunny's most Powerful trading indicators. Not sure about buying them? Take the trial. Most make enough during the Free Trial to cover the investment. 

The Definitive Guide to TradeStation's EasyLanguage & OOEL Programming--Vol I: Programming Guide and Vol II: Reference Guide NOW AVAILABLE on Amazon.com.
Go to www.easylanguageooel.com, register as a Free Member and I'll send your FREE indicators wi th your proof of purchase